Language capabilities of Docpart

Some language options of Docpart

  • your store operates in several languages (the desired language is selected by the user)
  • setting the default language
  • disabling unnecessary languages by the administrator
  • language prefix in page URLs, i.e. as the first section of the site (necessary for SEO)
  • quick addition of a new language
  • convenient text string translation editor
  • multilingual content editing during site operation (the administrator can create his own pages, products, menus, etc. in different languages)
  • language selection in the client part of the site, as well as in the control panel

Now let's take a closer look at Docpart's language capabilities.

Your store in multiple languages

The Docpart architecture allows you to create online auto parts stores that operate in multiple languages. This means that your site can work in one or more languages that you need. In most cases, sites operate in two languages - your local one and English. But, if you need a website in one language or in multiple languages (more then two), Docpart allows it.

Setting the default language

Docpart language features include a "Default Language" option that you can select. This parameter defines what language your auto parts store will operate in, or rather its main page without a language prefix, when a new client visits it. If the language prefix (language section) is indicated in the page address, then the language will be selected based on the prefix.

Disabling unnecessary languages

If you do not need any languages, you can disable them in the site control panel. This way, your site will only work in the languages you need.

Language prefix in page URLs

The pages of your online auto parts store powered by Docpart can have translations into different languages. The language in which your client reads the page is defined by the prefix in the page address. The language prefix is the first subsection in the page URL that immediately follows your site's domain name, for example, or Thus, it turns out that each page of the site has a different URL for each language. This has the best effect on the search engine optimization of your store.

Quickly add a new language

If you need to add a new language to your site, the Docpart architecture allows you to do this very quickly. Moreover, we will add one new language of your choice for free.

Convenient text string translation editor

If you found some error in the text or wanted to edit some text string, then for this there is a convenient editor for ALL text strings that are on the site. With its help, you can easily edit any string in all languages of the store.

Multilingual content editing

You can create new site pages, menu items, products and other objects, specifying translations in different languages. Everything is done conveniently, quickly and clearly.

Translatable and non-translatable content

Docpart divides content into translatable and non-translatable depending on its specifics.

For example, content such as catalog products or page texts is translatable one, i.e. logically, the user should be able to read such content in a language convenient for him. In Docpart this is logically correctly defined.

And, content such as the buyer’s personal data or text correspondence in a chat with a client is untranslatable content. Surely you won’t make your client to fill out their name in different languages? The same logic applies to chat correspondence with the buyer. When you or a client writes a message, the message is filled in in one language.

Thus, when it comes to working with languages, Docpart has a clear and understandable logic.

User language selection

The client part of the store, as well as the control panel, contain a standard language selector - so that users will not have any problems choosing the language they are comfortable with on your online auto parts store.

Docpart News

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