INTASK LLC - the developer of the Docpart platform

IT-company INTASK - developer of the Docpart CMS

The Docpart platform development and technical support of users is carried out by the specialists of INTASK LLC.

Software development for auto parts trading is a large and technically complicated area. It demands high professional skills on developers and programmers. Therefore, only high-level professionals who are able to solve any software development tasks are in our team.

On the other hand, this area allows us to discover your abilities and gives us great opportunities for professional self-fulfillment, because in the course of our work we solve a variety of tasks:

  • auto parts online stores development
  • information systems interaction development
  • accounting programs interaction development
  • development of connection between the websites and payment services and banks
  • large database design
  • SEO
  • developments according to individual requirements of our clients
  • web design and layout
  • and much more

INTASK LLC is a successful IT company of programmers and software developers with extensive experience in online stores developing, and we are ready to solve any task. Our main advantage is that we have been developing auto parts online stores for several years and we have got a large amount of knowledge in this area during this time. Therefore, in addition to our professional skills, we are well awared in such concepts as original and non-original auto parts, suppliers API, auto parts wholesale suppliers, etc. It gives us the opportunity to speak the same your professional language.

Docpart CMS for auto parts online stores: from idea to ready-to-work product

The development of the Docpart platform began in 2012. Since the beginning of development and until today, the Docpart platform has come a long way from an idea to a modern and complete CMS, specifically designed for creating of auto parts online stores.

The first version of Docpart was a small CMS that had only some of the most necessary functions such as API connecting to some suppliers, a shopping cart, and the simplest order processing functionality.

And then, in the process of everyday work for many years, the platform improved. New functions and features appeared. Usability has been optimized.

As a result, Docpart has become a big competitive product with a wide range of features:

  • convenient suppliers API connection with flexible settings of markups
  • full functionality of the online store (cart, customers personal accounts, orders management)
  • connection of payment systems on the website
  • powerful engine for creating of your own auto parts catalog
  • powerful website control panel with setting of user rights (administrators, sellers, etc.)
  • and many many others

And we do not stop there and constantly continue the work on the project. Follow our news feed to see how Docpart continues to be developed further.

Docpart News

June 14, 2024

Improved order items page

The page for product items of orders in the control panel of the online auto parts stores powered by Docpart has been improved

May 10, 2024

Improved user management

The user management module in the Docpart platform has been improved

March 15, 2024

Online auto parts store demo version now available

Online auto parts store demo version and Docpart package for trial using now available