Improved user management

May 10, 2024

Each owner of an online auto parts store decides for himself which customer registration fields should be on his website.

We have expanded the capabilities of this feature. You can now add the following attributes for each user registration field:

  • display in users table
  • add to user filter

Display in the user table

In the control panel, the administrator has access to a page that displays all the store’s customers in the form of a table. Moreover, previously this table had only standard columns (E-mail, ID, group, etc.). And, what other data needed to be displayed, as we understood from communicating with numerous store owners, as it turned out, everyone wanted it in their own way. Someone needed to display first name, last name and phone number. For some, just a first name and phone number. Someone wanted to display the company name for wholesale customers, etc.

Previously, such settings had to be made at the level of editing PHP scripts. And now you can do this yourself - through the settings in the site control panel.

Adding registration fields to a user filter

On the same page in the control panel, the administrator has access to a user filter so that he can quickly find the needed buyer. Previously, this filter contained only standard registration fields. And now, you can add there yourself any registration fields by which you want to search for your customers.

Thanks to such simple changes, working with our platform is becoming more convenient and easier. And we intend to develop it further.

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Address: Dubai Internet City, Building @4, Dubai, UAE
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